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Ford Mustang, Ford Focus and Ford F-Series are officially Hottest Car, Hottest Sport-Compact and Hottest Truck of this year’s Specialty Equipment Market Association show.
Autonomous vehicle technology is another step closer to production at Ford, moving from a research effort to an advanced engineering program, the company announced today.
Ford announced today it is returning to one of the most prestigious automobile races in the world with its new Ford GT race car, based on the all-new ultra-high-performance supercar that goes on sale next year.
Ford announced today its all-new SYNC® 3 technology debuts this summer in North America in the 2016 Ford Escape and Fiesta. The new communications and entertainment system is faster and easier to use with enhanced response to driver commands.
Ford Motor Company is expanding a safety recall regarding door latches to include approximately 156,000 more vehicles at the request of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, bringing the total to 545,906 vehicles in North America.