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With sinister looks and a specially modified 5.0-liter V8 – the most powerful 5.0-liter V8 ever, projecting 500 horsepower – Mustang Dark Horse expands the lineup and sets a new benchmark for American street and track performance that could only come in a Mustang.
Ford once again sounds a wake-up call for sports car lovers around the world with the introduction of the all-new Ford Mustang. The seventh generation is the most exhilarating and visceral yet, from its fighter jet-inspired digital cockpit to new advanced turbocharged and naturally aspirated engines to its edgier yet timeless exterior design.
The Detroit Auto Show is back in the Motor City for the first time in over three years, offering attendees a fresh chance to get up close and personal with a slew of new Ford vehicles – including the all-new, seventh-generation Mustang that debuts Sept. 14.
Ford Pro™ today announces a suite of fleet management solutions designed to help make mountains of paperwork and endless spreadsheets a thing of the past for small business owners moving into a digital age. Ford Pro Fleet Management Software, the suite’s flagship product, is the latest tool added to the Ford Pro Intelligence* suite of fleet management solutions, expanding on the one-stop shop of vehicles, software, charging, service and financing.
Like so many around the world, I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen has been a steadfast and exemplary world leader for over 70 years and has demonstrated to all of us the true meaning of service and dedication.
Ford Motor Company continues making hands-free driving even better by launching BlueCruise 1.2* and Lincoln ActiveGlide 1.2 with new features – including hands-free lane changing – and system updates to create more of a human-like driving feel.
Ford Pro today introduced the van small businesses across Europe have been waiting for. The all-new E-Transit Custom, the all-electric version of Europe’s best-selling van, 1 is designed from the ground up to deliver new levels of productivity to customers in the one-tonne van segment.
Mustang fans will get their first glimpse of the next-generation model on Sept. 14. And to celebrate the first six generations of Mustang, Ford is hosting the Best Stang Decade contest as part of the reveal to celebrate every decade of the car’s existence.