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Ford Media Center
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Ford Motor Company today announces the next phase of its Ford Smart Mobility plan – moving from research to the start of implementation, including new strategic areas of focus, new pilot programs and new mobility product experiments.
Ford is introducing new vehicle camera technology that can help see around corners even when drivers cannot, aiding in reducing driver stress and potentially averting accidents.
Younger Americans Fear Other Drivers More Than Death, Public Speaking and Spiders, New Study Finds
Public speaking just lost the top spot as the most feared task for younger Americans. Distracted, dangerous drivers are now the first concern for Millennial and Generation Z consumers, new research finds.
The 2016 Ford F-150, part of Ford F-Series, America’s best-selling truck for 38 years, continues to innovate with the addition of breakthrough towing technology, new Special Edition Appearance Packages, SYNC 3 and alternative fuel capability.
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