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Ford Motor Company has identified a remedy for customers affected by an under hood fire recall affecting some 2021 Ford Expedition and Lincoln Navigator SUVs.
Ford dealerships across the country now have access to state-of-the-art remote viewing technology allowing them to receive real-time assistance for customer repairs from team members at the Ford Technical Assistance Center (TAC) in Dearborn.
To celebrate 75 years of F-Series trucks, Ford introduces the 2023 F-150 Heritage Edition – a modern take on the timeless 1970s and ’80s two-tone exterior paint offerings featuring the classic style combined with the outstanding durability, capability and technology today’s F-150 customers love.
Ford in Europe today announced another important stride toward an all-electric future, confirming that it has chosen its plant in Valencia, Spain, as the preferred site to assemble vehicles based on a next-generation electric vehicle architecture.
Ford joined other major automotive manufacturers globally, along with the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) and Drive Sustainability, to make needed changes and additions to the “Automotive Industry Guiding Principles to Enhance Sustainability Performance in the Supply Chain.”
Today, on its 119th anniversary, Ford Motor Company is making a century of its archival material available to the public through a new online database called the Ford Heritage Vault.
The Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA) recently filed a lawsuit on behalf of its membership to delay the implementation of the California Heavy-Duty Omnibus (HDO) clean truck regulation.