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Whether hauling snowmobiles to the cabin in the dead of winter or the pontoon to the lake in the dogdays of summer, the 2022 F-150® Lightning™ is tested to have customers covered.
Ford is further strengthening its leadership team – hiring two highly regarded executives and giving a significant global operating role to an accomplished longtime senior colleague – as it continues to execute the customer focused Ford+ plan for growth and value creation.
In Ford’s efforts to continuously improve over time, some F-150 Lightning customers will benefit from an increase in range ahead of launch this spring.
At Ford’s Advanced Manufacturing Center, Javier is tasked with operating the 3D printers completely on his own. He is always on time, very precise in his movements, and he works most of the day – taking only a short break to charge up.
Ford today announced significant strides toward an all-electric future in Europe, which will see the company transformed and offering a new generation of seven, all-electric, fully-connected passenger vehicles and vans by 2024.