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Ford Media Center
It’s a familiar feeling. The day inches towards dinner and your stomach makes a simple, direct plea to your heart: You want tacos. That hand pressed corn tortilla, the tangy salsa and fresh cilantro — you’re getting hungry already!
But what if ordering tacos did more than just satisfy the gremlin in your gut? What if it actually…shaped the future?
Ford is working with Postmates, an on-demand delivery platform, to operate a self-driving delivery service.
Click here to read the full post on Medium.
Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan, committed to helping build a better world, where every person is free to move and pursue their dreams. The company’s Ford+ plan for growth and value creation combines existing strengths, new capabilities and always-on relationships with customers to enrich experiences for customers and deepen their loyalty. Ford develops and delivers innovative, must-have Ford trucks, sport utility vehicles, commercial vans and cars and Lincoln luxury vehicles, along with connected services. The company does that through three customer-centered business segments: Ford Blue, engineering iconic gas-powered and hybrid vehicles; Ford Model e, inventing breakthrough electric vehicles along with embedded software that defines exceptional digital experiences for all customers; and Ford Pro, helping commercial customers transform and expand their businesses with vehicles and services tailored to their needs. Additionally, Ford provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company. Ford employs about 174,000 people worldwide. More information about the company and its products and services is available at
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