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A must-have lineup of Ford trucks and SUVs is creating new opportunities to help customers imagine, build and show off the ride of their dreams with Ford Custom Garage personalization kits.
Widely known as both the “Godfather” of Ford Motor Company’s racing efforts, and a prominent ambassador for the sport of auto racing globally, Edsel B. Ford II was honored as a Bob Russo Heritage Award winner at the 2024 Induction Ceremony for the Motorsport Hall of Fame of America.
If there’s anything Mustang customers always want, it’s more power, and Ford Performance Parts is delivering in a big way. A way that can make at least 800 horsepower.
Ford has teamed up with leading aftermarket builders and parts manufacturers to deliver 10 unique versions of its hottest vehicles, highlighting the ways customers can personalize their rides with hundreds of Ford Performance Parts and Ford Licensed Accessories.