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In just two months, Ford has delivered electric F-150 LightningTM trucks to customers in all 50 U.S. states, from the shores of the Kenai River in Alaska to Houston and even Hawaii.
Following the success of the 2022 Maverick, Ford is expanding its compact truck lineup with the new 2023 Maverick Tremor™ Off-Road Package, one of Ford’s hottest products becoming available as the company again begins taking new customer orders for its lineup of high-demand vehicles.
Ford Pro™ continues to help guide cities into an electrified, software-driven world with the launch of America’s first electric pickup truck purpose-built for police: the 2023 Ford F-150® Lightning™ Pro Special Service Vehicle.
The all-new Ford F-150® Lightning™ boasts the Built Ford Tough™ brawn to tow up to an available 10,000 pounds* with its 775 lb.-ft. of electric torque**, but it’s the truck’s brains that will give customers the range information they need to tow long distances with the confidence they’re accustomed to.
From behind the wheel, the extreme off-road capability of the Ultra4-inspired 2022 Bronco Raptor™ is complemented by a dynamic display in a fully customizable 12-inch digital cluster that illustrates the optimization enabled by each drive mode.
Whether hauling snowmobiles to the cabin in the dead of winter or the pontoon to the lake in the dogdays of summer, the 2022 F-150® Lightning™ is tested to have customers covered.