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Ford is building on its rich history of iconic cars and community building as presenting sponsor of the 2017 Woodward Dream Cruise, America's largest annual celebration of automotive history and culture.
Ford Performance fans talking to each other and posting comments online about the Ford Focus RS hot hatch performance car have led to a special 1,500 unit limited-edition celebrating the end of run of this generation hot hatch.
In creating the all-new high-performance Ford GT, the pioneers behind the supercar designed it not only to win races but also to serve as a test bed for new technologies and ideas for future vehicles across Ford’s vehicle lineup.
Ford Motor Company is investing $1.2 billion in three Michigan manufacturing facilities to strengthen its leadership in trucks and SUVs and support the company’s expansion to an auto and mobility company.
It’s not just children who are afraid of the dark. Whether preferring to sleep with a light on – or worrying about driving at night – grown-ups get scared too.
Powerful engine upgrades, plus an all-new available 10-speed automatic transmission give Mustang even more performance, while available MagneRide™ suspension offers optimum handling; optional active valve exhaust affords complete auditory control – let the engine roar, or not
Today, Ford partnered with its ambassador of Service, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, to introduce the new Mustang – the world’s best-selling sports coupe and the company’s most advanced Mustang ever.
Ford is debuting an augmented reality presentation at the 2017 North American International Auto Show that immerses consumers with its newest vehicles and technologies in ways they’ve likely never experienced before.
Ford Motor Company [NYSE: F] tells investors today the company is a strong investment with attractive upside as it invests in emerging opportunities and expands as an auto and mobility company.