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Ford Motor Company has resumed production of the F-150 Lightning following a six-week shutdown to expand and retool the Rouge Electric Vehicle Center plant to triple manufacturing capacity of the award-winning electric truck.
Ford showed focus, speed and accountability in producing solid second-quarter 2023 operating results, while taking strategic actions that are expected to help create a high-performing business and long-term value for all stakeholders.
Ford was America’s best-selling brand in the second quarter on the strength of its trucks, electric vehicles and new vehicle launches, posting sales gains of 11.2 percent for the quarter.
Less than two quarters into full deployment, the teams behind the Ford+ growth plan’s new customer-centered business segments are redefining customer value, while at the same time reducing cyclicality, improving capital efficiency, and generating profitable growth and strong free cash flow.
Ford is re-opening its order banks for the all-electric Mustang Mach-E on Wednesday as completed plant upgrades support production ramp in the second half of 2023.
Ford recently created a TV spot featuring mother and son, Arlene Ngalle and Darien Mikey Lopez, to highlight how using BlueCruise hands-free, eyes-on-road driving technology, can be life changing for those who communicate through sign language
Ford today delivered a watershed moment with the introduction of a Level 2 hands-free advanced driver assistance system with regulatory approval for use on the motorway network in Great Britain – the first system of its kind approved in Europe.
Ford Motor Company has established Latitude AI, a wholly owned subsidiary focused on developing a hands-free, eyes-off-the-road automated driving system for millions of vehicles.
With its new EV supply chain coming online, Ford is significantly increasing production of the Mustang Mach-E this year to help reduce customer wait times.