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In 2023, more than 700,000 customers chose a new Ford F-Series truck, making it the best-selling truck in the United States for the 47th consecutive year.
Ford’s third-quarter 2023 results illustrated how the company is beginning to fulfill the growth potential of the customer-focused Ford+ plan – and underscored the vital role of higher quality and lower costs in driving profitability.
Ford is laying the last cornerstone in a series of organizational changes for its Ford+ growth plan, creating an effective and efficient end-to-end global industrial system as the operational engine behind all Ford vehicles.
As the first automaker to receive approval in Spain to introduce hands-free highway driving, the company is expanding the availability of Ford BlueCruise to more customers in Europe.
As Ford continues to evolve how the company offers products and services, this includes the way customers access BlueCruise – Ford’s hands-free highway driving technology. Ford now is including BlueCruise hardware standard from the factory to provide flexibility and choices to more customers.
Ford today named Apple veteran Peter Stern to lead the newly formed Ford Integrated Services, which will create and market valuable software-enabled customer experiences across Ford Blue, Model e and Ford Pro.
ord and Lincoln customers using BlueCruise have spent 1.4 million hours enjoying hands-free highway driving – that is the equivalent of almost 160 years!