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Customers exercising “freedom of choice” made Ford the No. 1 gas, No. 2 electric and No. 3 hybrid vehicle brand in the U.S. and the company remains confident in full-year 2024 results.
Ford adds a third North American assembly plant to meet Ford Pro customer demand for one of its most popular and profitable vehicles; adding initial capacity for 100,000 F-Series Super Duty trucks at Oakville Assembly Complex in Canada.
Ford Motor Company’s exciting and differentiated U.S. product lineup is resonating with customers, evidenced by second-quarter sales gains across vans, trucks, Lincoln, and hybrid and electric vehicles.
Ford’s first-quarter 2024 operating results provided more evidence that its segmented, customer-centered strategy is delivering growth and profitability, sharpening capital efficiency and fortifying business durability.
The 2021 Ford Super Duty is the most dependable large heavy-duty pickup in the J.D. Power 2024 U.S. Vehicle Dependability Study, based on feedback from drivers after three years of ownership.
Ford+, in its first full year of operating with customer-centered business segments in 2023, demonstrated the strategy’s capacity to adapt to the wants and needs of customers and give them great experiences and value, while generating growth and profitability.
Ford trucks recognized for the fourth year in a row by the North American Car, Utility and Truck awards committee, naming the 2024 Ford F-Series Super Duty 2024 North America Truck of the Year.
– Ford continued to broaden consumers’ options in 2023, solidifying its leadership in gas vehicle lines with its best-selling trucks and vans, while also accelerating sales of its electric and hybrid vehicles to new records.