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From behind the wheel, the extreme off-road capability of the Ultra4-inspired 2022 Bronco Raptor™ is complemented by a dynamic display in a fully customizable 12-inch digital cluster that illustrates the optimization enabled by each drive mode.
Ford and Lincoln customers with Amazon Alexa Built-in can now teach Alexa to perform vehicle functions based on their preferred phrasing thanks to new, enhanced Car Control capabilites.
First E-Transit models ready to ship from Ford Otosan’s Gölcük plant in Kocaeli, Turkey to help Ford Pro satisfy strong customer demand to electrify European fleets.
Ford Chief Financial Officer, John Lawler, will participate in a fireside chat and discuss accelerating the Ford+ plan at Bank of America’s 2022 Global Automotive Summit with auto analysts John Murphy and Doug Karson.
A fully-electric truck that is helping change the future of Ford Motor Company will be on track at Martinsville Speedway as the 2022 F-150 Lightning makes its debut as a pace vehicle for the NASCAR Cup Series on April 9.
When Rachel Sampson took delivery of her 2021 Ford Bronco® last November, she joined a growing number of Americans choosing a four-wheel-powered vehicle to expand their capabilities in outdoor experiences.
Today Ford releases its 2022 Integrated Sustainability and Financial Report focused on the company’s transition to lead the electric revolution, including plans to scale production to more than 2 million electric vehicles per year by 2026 and to make half of its annual sales volume electric by the end of the decade.
Today, Ford Motor Company was named to TIME’s second annual TIME100 Most Influential Companies list—an extension of the annual TIME100 list of the world’s most influential people—that highlights 100 companies making an extraordinary impact around the world.
Today Ford introduces the F-150 Rattler, a distinctive, rugged, entry-level addition to its 2023 F-150 lineup for adventure-seeking customers looking for a stylish truck with standard four-wheel drive for exceptional off-road capability.
Whether hauling snowmobiles to the cabin in the dead of winter or the pontoon to the lake in the dogdays of summer, the 2022 F-150® Lightning™ is tested to have customers covered.
Ford is further strengthening its leadership team – hiring two highly regarded executives and giving a significant global operating role to an accomplished longtime senior colleague – as it continues to execute the customer focused Ford+ plan for growth and value creation.
In Ford’s efforts to continuously improve over time, some F-150 Lightning customers will benefit from an increase in range ahead of launch this spring.